Mental Health

Finding Glimmers and Countering Triggers

By Dynne C. | Update Date: Apr 24, 2024 07:48 AM EDT

For some, emotional triggers are problematic and can lead to a downward spiral, however, some experts say these triggers can be countered with glimmers.

What are Glimmers?

Glimmers are those tiny, precious moments that bring joy, peace, or gratitude into people's lives. They are the small things that make people smile, like the scent of fresh flowers, the sound of laughter, or the warmth of sunlight on their skin.

Coined by Deb Dana, a licensed clinical social worker, in her book "The Polyvagal Theory in Therapy," glimmers are micro-moments that gently shape emotional well-being.

Unlike grand experiences, glimmers are subtle and often fleeting. They are the everyday occurrences that uplift spirits and remind people of the beauty in life.

How to Find Glimmers

Finding glimmers involves tuning into one's surroundings and being mindful of the present moment. Here are some strategies to help people notice and appreciate the small joys in life:

Setting a Glimmer Intention

Making a conscious effort to notice the good things around them. Start small by aiming to identify one glimmer each day.

Going Where the Glimmers Are

Spending time in places that make them feel happy and relaxed. Whether it is a peaceful park or a cozy corner of their home, seeking out environments where they're likely to encounter glimmers.

Engaging Their Senses

Paying attention to their senses and the world around them. Noticing the colors, sounds, scents, tastes and textures that bring them joy.

Jotting Them Down

Keeping a journal to record glimmer moments. Writing them down can help them appreciate them even more and serve as a reminder of the good things in their life.

Limiting Screen Time

Reducing the time spent on digital devices allows them the opportunity to connect with the real world and notice glimmers in nature, human interactions and everyday activities.

Connecting with Others

Nourishing meaningful relationships and spending time with loved ones. Sharing moments of joy with others can amplify the positive effects of glimmers.

Replacing Triggers

Glimmers serve as powerful antidotes to triggers, which evoke negative emotions and stress responses. While triggers activate the body's "fight or flight" response, glimmers stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system, promoting relaxation and well-being.

By cultivating awareness of glimmers and intentionally seeking out moments of joy, people can gradually replace triggers with positive experiences. This shift not only enhances mental health but also fosters emotional resilience and connection with others.

Incorporating glimmers, instead of triggers, into daily life is a simple yet impactful practice that can contribute to greater happiness and fulfillment. By embracing the beauty of small moments, people can counteract negativity, reduce stress, and cultivate a deeper appreciation for life's joys.

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