Physical Wellness

Unusual Exercises to Try If You’re Bored of Your Usual Routine

By Dynne C. | Update Date: Apr 19, 2024 09:30 AM EDT

Sticking to the same exercise routine can quickly become monotonous, leaving many feeling uninspired and unmotivated. Fortunately, there is a world of unconventional exercises waiting to be explored. 

From blending yoga with voguing to defying gravity with aerial hula, these unusual workouts offer a refreshing change of pace. Here are some unique exercises to spice up an otherwise boring fitness regimen.


Voga, a fusion of yoga and voguing, brings together the serenity of yoga with the expressive movements of voguing. Participants flow through traditional yoga poses while incorporating voguing-inspired arm and hand gestures to the beat of energizing music. This dynamic workout not only improves flexibility and strength but also boosts confidence as a person strikes poses reminiscent of a dance floor diva.

Aerial exercises

Elevating the workout experience, aerial exercises like aerial hula and aerial yoga suspend participants from fabric hammocks. Engaging core muscles for stability, participants perform traditional hula hoop movements or yoga poses with added challenges. This gravity-defying workout not only tests physical limits but also promotes a sense of playfulness and adventure.


For those craving intensity, boxercise mixes boxing techniques with aerobic exercises. This full-body workout torches calories while honing coordination and agility. Participants unleash their inner fighter, jabbing, crossing and hooking their way to enhanced fitness and mental acuity.

Handstand classes

Handstand classes turn the world upside down. Whether novice or expert, mastering the handstand demands focus, strength and determination. Instructors lead participants through progressive drills to build the necessary strength and confidence for achieving and sustaining this challenging pose.


Bouncing into fitness, trampolining offers a low-impact workout that improves cardiovascular health, balance and coordination. From basic jumps to intricate routines, trampolining caters to all fitness levels, making it an enjoyable family activity.


Channeling inner agility, parkour involves navigating urban environments using only the body. Participants leap, climb and vault over obstacles with fluidity and efficiency, developing strength, agility and spatial awareness.

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