Counsel & Heal Buzz

What Does the Future of Technology Look Like in Medicine?

By David Thompson | Update Date: Nov 16, 2022 09:53 PM EST
What Does the Future of Technology Look Like in Medicine?

(Photo : What Does the Future of Technology Look Like in Medicine?)

Do you worry that robots will replace humans in the healthcare industry, such as nurses and doctors? Do you worry that artificial intelligence will rule the world in a few years?

Do you experience nightmares about children and adults hooked to virtual reality wandering around in their fictitious dream world? Are you afraid to take a DNA test since the results could reveal the day you pass away?

They are made-up dystopias, fake news, and other distorted information. Alternative information regarding the future of medicine in a hipper way. All of these, however, have a single thing in common: a fear of what the future, an unknowable place, might hold for us.

The future of healthcare is being developed right before our eyes thanks to developments in digital healthcare technologies like artificial intelligence, VR/AR, 3D printing, robotics, and nanotechnology. We need to become knowledgeable about the most recent developments if we want to influence technology rather than the other way around. 


Healthcare professionals who want to stay current in the future must adopt cutting-edge medical technology. Working together with technology is essential to the future of healthcare. This is where Biologics contract development and manufacturing organization comes into the picture to build a strong case for using advanced technology in medicine.

Here are some of our predictions for the future of technology in medicine:


Artificial intelligence can transform healthcare. More quickly than any other actor on the healthcare stage right now, including any medical expert, AI algorithms can mine medical records, devise treatment plans, or produce medications.

Atomwise searches a database of molecular structures for treatments using supercomputers. The start-up began a virtual search for secure, currently available drugs that could be modified to treat the Ebola virus in 2015. 

Google's DeepMind recently developed A.I. for breast cancer analysis. On pre-selected data sets to identify breast cancer, the algorithm performed 11.5% better than all human radiologists on average!

These are two examples of how businesses use AI to advance healthcare, from creating new medications to updating medical imaging and mining patient records.

Virtual reality

What Does the Future of Technology Look Like in Medicine?
(Photo : What Does the Future of Technology Look Like in Medicine?)

Patients' and doctors' lives are altering due to virtual reality (VR). In the future, you might fly to Iceland or your home while laying in a hospital bed, observe procedures as if you were the one operating the scalpel, or both.

Surgeons, both present and future, rehearse operations in virtual reality.

Companies like Osso VR and ImmersiveTouch developed and provided these software tools, which are currently in use with positive results.

According to a recent Harvard Business Review study, surgeons who received VR training outperformed traditional training by 230%. Additionally, the former was quicker and more accurate while performing surgical procedures.

Patients can also gain from the technology which successfully manages pain. Virtual reality headsets are being provided to help women cope with the discomfort of labor.

When using virtual reality to divert them from painful stimuli, gastrointestinal, cardiac, neurological, and post-surgical pain patients have demonstrated decreased pain levels. A 2019 pilot research found that surgery patients generally experienced less pain and anxiety.

Final Words

Because of the development of digital health, we are truly experiencing a revolution in healthcare. Our goal is to disseminate the information and medical advancements that will herald the actual era of medicine as an art. Share your ideas with us to join us in this endeavor!

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