
How Crystals Can Bring Good Vibes into Your Life

By David Thompson | Update Date: Oct 20, 2022 12:24 PM EDT
Close-Up Photo Of Assorted Crystals

(Photo : Karolina Grabowska)

Crystals are amazing for so many reasons. They can bring good vibes into your life, and they have the power to transform even the most mundane tasks into something magical. But it can be hard to know where to start if you're unsure how to use crystals in your everyday life. Luckily for you (and me), we've compiled this list of tips that will empower you with all the knowledge necessary to harness this powerful tool!

Think twice before creating a crystal grid.

Even though crystals have been used for thousands of years, it's important to be aware of the energy they can bring into your life. For example, suppose you're using crystals in a grid, and one crystal has a different frequency than another in the same grid (for example, one crystal is quartz, and another is amethyst). In that case, you may find they are negatively affecting each other.

If this occurs, remove one of them from the grid until it no longer affects the rest of your setup. This isn't always easy because sometimes we forget how much energy we put out by combining two or more types! If this happens often, try using only one type per part instead (or even better yet: stick with black tourmaline).

Hold and use your crystals daily.

●      Hold your crystals. You may have heard that holding a crystal can help you feel grounded and balanced, but this is true for the vibes they send out into the world. Crystals should be held daily to keep their energy strong and healthy, but if you don't have time for that (or don't want to), consider carrying one around with you wherever possible-especially in public places where there's no need for secrecy (ehem).

●      Use crystals in healing rituals. You can use them as an ingredient in healing rituals like smudging or crystal bath salt mixtures. Still, even at home, they'll help cleanse negative energy from your space so that only positive vibes remain behind after cleansing has been completed.*

Set your intention.

You can set your intention by setting the crystal in your home or office and then visualize what you want to happen. For example, if you are going to use a crystal to bring good vibes into your life and help you feel more confident in yourself, then it may be helpful to think of the following:

●      "I am completely positive about myself."

●      "I know that I am worthy of love and respect."

●      "My life is filled with happiness, joy and excitement."

Wear your crystals.

Crystals can be worn to help you feel more balanced and at peace. To wear your crystals:

●      Hold them in your hand, or put them on a necklace or bracelet. You can also place them in a special crystal bowl dedicated to their purpose.

●      Lie down and relax with the stones around your neck and in their place of honor on your vanity table. If you have multiple stones that match each other's energy, try alternating which one goes where until you find a combination that feels right for the day (there are no rules).

Find crystals that attract the energy you are looking for.

Crystals can be used for healing and protection. Some examples of crystals that are good for healing and protection include:

●      Amethyst

●      Black Tourmaline (also known as Malachite)

●      Citrine

Other good choices for healing-related purposes include:

●      Rose Quartz

●      Red Jasper

●      Jade

Visit our website for a carefully selected collection of crystal jewelry that is specially designed for an intention of well-being, from happiness and kindness to prosperity and abundance.

Don't be afraid of smudging.

Smudging is a cleansing and purification ritual used in many Native American cultures. It involves burning sweetgrass (or other fragrant herbs) and using it to cleanse the space, removing negative energy and bringing peace to your home or office.

There are two ways to smudge:

●      You can use sage smoke alone, which will calm your mind and relax you physically as well as spiritually; or you can mix other herbs like cedarwood, patchouli oil or frankincense with sage so that they release their scent into the air around you while also cleansing your space with their scents.

●      Keep in mind that smudging should be done only once per week because too much smoke can cause headaches for some people; if this happens, try using less than what was recommended earlier!

Spend time in nature with your crystals.

Crystals are natural, so they're great for the environment. They can help you connect with nature by helping you feel more grounded and in tune with the world around you. If you're looking to go on a hike or walk through beautiful scenery, crystals will ensure your journey feels safe and enjoyable!

In addition to being a wonderful way to spend time with friends and family outdoors, crystal meditation is also an excellent way to calm down after spending time in nature. When we're surrounded by beauty (or even just looking at images of it), our minds may wander away from what's important-like ourselves! So if this happens often enough during hikes or walks through forests near your home, then try spending some time meditating with one of these beautiful stones close at hand instead:

Put the crystal in a place where you'll see it often.

You can also put the crystal where you'll see it often. For example, if your home is full of crystals and they're all in different places around the house, choosing one specific spot to put them might be more effective than having them scattered throughout your living space. If there's no clear spot where they should go-like an art gallery or coffee table-try putting one on top of an object used daily (like a lamp). This way, other people notice their presence without realizing what they are first glance at first thing in the morning when they wake up or after dinner as part of their nightly routine.

Talk to your crystal.

Crystals can be used to help you focus your intentions. Talk to your crystal and ask for help if you want to meditate. You can also use crystals for sleep and relaxation purposes.

If you are having trouble with a goal or project at work, talk to the crystal about your next steps in achieving that goal.


Crystals are an incredibly powerful tool that can help you become more in tune with your intuition, and it's important to remember that they don't have to be used all at once. They're not a magic fix-all for all of life's problems; they can be used as inspiration and guidance when deciding how we want our lives to go forward.

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* This is a contributed article and this content does not necessarily represent the views of counselheal.com

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