Physical Wellness

10 Common Sports Injuries and How to Prevent Them

By David Thompson | Update Date: Oct 10, 2022 01:50 PM EDT
Image by Renno_new from Pixabay

(Photo : Renno_new from Pixabay)

Sports injuries are a dime a dozen. From slipped discs to cartilage damage, there are all sorts of different ways that we can injure ourselves while playing sports. 

We'll be exploring the most common sports injuries and offering some tips on how to prevent them. 

1. Sprained Ankles 

Sprained ankles are among the most common sports injuries, particularly in activities that involve a lot of jumping or running. 

The best way to avoid a sprained ankle is to wear proper footwear and to warm up properly before participating in any physical activity, so you won't ever need to hire a sports injury lawyer. 

2. Knee Injuries 

Knee injuries, such as ACL tears, are also quite common among athletes. A lot of times, these sorts of injuries can be prevented by wearing the proper knee support during physical activity. Additionally, it's always important to warm up before playing any sport. 

3. Shin Splints 

Shin splints usually occur when an athlete overworks their leg muscles without giving them enough time to recover in between workouts. 

To prevent shin splints, it's important to always stretch properly before and after a workout and to listen to your body if it's telling you that you need a break. 

4. Groin Pulls 

Groin pulls often happen when an athlete makes a sudden movement without warming up their muscles first. Groin pull can be avoided by stretching thoroughly before participating in any physical activity. 

5. Hamstring Strains 

Like groin pulls, hamstring strains often occur when an athlete doesn't warm up their muscles properly before making a sudden movement. Stretching and warming up is key to avoiding this type of injury.

6. Fractures

Fractures can occur from something as simple as falling awkwardly or colliding with another player while participating in a sport. 

The best way to avoid fractures is to wear the proper safety gear and to pay attention to your surroundings while you're playing. 

7. Dislocated Shoulders

Dislocated shoulders usually happen during contact sports such as football or hockey, when players collide with one another violently. 

The best way to avoid this type of injury is by wearing the appropriate shoulder pads and using proper tackling techniques if you're playing a contact sport. 

8. Concussions 

Concussions are unfortunately quite common in sports such as football, hockey, rugby, and boxing, where head-to-head contact is a frequent occurrence. 

While concussions cannot be completely prevented, they can be minimized by wearing the proper safety gear and following the rules of the sport you're playing.

9. Spinal Cord Injuries

Spinal cord injuries usually occur during high-impact sports such as football, rugby, or hockey when players collide with each other violently or fall awkwardly from a significant height. As with concussions, spinal cord injuries cannot be completely prevented.

10. Whiplash 

Whiplash is another common injury that can occur during high-impact sports such as football or hockey when players collide with each other forcefully. Wearing safety gear is key to preventing this type of injury.


Sports injuries are incredibly common, but that doesn't mean that we have to accept them as inevitable! 

By taking some simple precautions such as stretching properly, using the right kind of safety gear, and listening to our bodies, we can avoid many of the most common types of sports injuries altogether!

Click here if you need help from a sports injury lawyer!

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